Coffee Break With D. Stanton About the Royal Family’s Tea and Coffee Orders: From Kate’s Decaf Latte to the Queen’s Earl Grey

Trained psychologist Darren Stanton has examined some of the most senior Royals’ favourite tea and coffee choices exclusively for us and determined what these picks suggest about their personalities. Take a look!
HRH The Queen – Earl Grey
Darren: “Royal sources have previously come forward and spoken of how Earl Grey tea is The Queen’s favourite hot drink.
“Psychological research suggests that people who enjoy Earl Grey tea are linked to class and are mature in their personality.
“The choice of an older generation, Earl Grey has fallen out of favour in the current trend of hot beverages. This sense of tradition also matches up to the Queen’s character and demeanor as the head of state.
“A more acquired taste than other teas, this specific flavour is linked to power and strength.
“Being just tea, milk and water, less complex than many coffees, which symbolises simplicity, assertiveness and honesty.”
Kate Middleton – Decaf Latte
Darren: “The concept of decaf indicates that a person is very controlled and self-aware, since drinking too much coffee can be an issue. Though, by ordering a decaf, this largely alleviates the effects of caffeine, while still getting a similar taste.
“People that choose specific coffee orders with subtle tweaks as an option are also quite methodical, they like precision and they know what they want. This could be a nod to Kate’s assertiveness and growth as a senior member of the Royal family.
“The downside of latte drinkers is that their order is considered fairly bland. Little permutations and a generally basic starter pack drink for coffee lovers. This may suggest Kate isn’t the most adventurous, however, for someone with a very busy schedule full of daily routines these simple, easy to drink choices are perfect for a working mum.”
Prince Charles – Darjeeling Tea
Darren: “According to reports, Prince Charles favours drinking Darjeeling tea with honey.
“This signifies someone has a personality that isn’t afraid to take risks in order to get what they want, considering Darjeeling is a spicier acquired taste. The honey seeks to soften the sometimes bitterness of the tea and is a cover to hide the real taste.
“Thought to have many medicinal qualities, such as boosting the immune system, calming the mind and body from stress. With its ability to help relax drinkers, those who opt to drink Darjeeling are big thinkers with creative ideas and are calculated enough to first analyse situations without making rash decisions.”
Prince William – Breakfast Tea
Darren: “Prince William’s favourite hot beverage has never been revealed, however, he has been spotted drinking several cups of breakfast tea while on engagements. This is a no fuss, very open to suggestions type drink that isn’t really about the flavour, but rather a good will gesture to receive to build rapport with those that make it.
“As a personality, drinking regular breakfast tea suggests stability and consistency, not for someone taking too many risks. This aligns with Kate’s decaf tea and what makes them a good match and their choices seem largely made to suit their roles as Royals, where they continue to dedicate their time and efforts the most in their lives.
“Basic breakfast tea is a drink that is the maker of great friends and partners because what you see is what you get.”
Camilla – Cappuccino
Darren: “Camilla has been pictured in Italy previously with a cappuccino, a drink best suited to perfectionists who like being in control.
“Cappuccino drinkers are people with highly demanding personalities. They can be risk takers, who are not afraid to step out of their comfort zone. However, they are not reckless, just more adventurous than others. People would tend to trust them because they will generally stay within certain parameters.
“A cappuccino drinker can be known to be slightly obsessive and overly sensitive when it comes to more personal aspects of their life in which they may feel judged, particularly in the public eye.”
Meghan – Green Juice
Darren: “People that tend to consume weird and wonderful concoctions of juices are thinking firstly about their health and wellbeing. And although it is not disputed that certain fruits and vegetables in a smoothie can be beneficial, sometimes these personalities tend to be more obsessive than others.
“There is almost an element of appearing more impressionable nowadays because of the trendiness of pressed juices and an ‘Instagram-like’ approach to life.
“However, opting to drink juices over hot drinks is sometimes a more sensible option if made with fresh fruit and without all the additives – showing the person may be consciously thinking about the environment and the planet too.”
Prince Harry – Green Juice
Darren: “Reports from a couple of years ago have said Prince Harry used to just enjoy normal white coffee before switching to juice when moving to California.
“This switch is a good example of the change in cultures from the UK to the US, but also the modern drinker – not willing to stick to their ways with so much choice in the market.
“This resembles open-mindedness and versatility as well as being in touch with emotions in which different environments may determine mood and therefore how someone may act.
“The Californian lifestyle and the influence of his wife may have also been a factor in this, representing change and a separation from his Royal duties in London compared to his new life in the US.”