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Machine uses
Milk system type
Roasting level
Coffee feature
Coffee type
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Preparable recipes
Coffee beans type
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Water tank
Coffee bean tank
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Arabica variety
Capsules suitable for
Suitable for
Milk container
Smart app
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SCA score
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Number of bean containers
Portion selection for black coffee
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Taste guide
Cup warmer
Portion selection for coffee with milk
Drinks with milk
Drink recipe
Saved user profiles
Tea type
Amount of drink servings
Chocolate type
Retains heat for
Chocolate kind
User-created recipes
Programmable grind time
Built-in grinder
Decaffeination method
PID temperature controller
Pressure gauge
Hot water wand
Quantity of products in the set
Delivery time
2 items

About Tea

In addition to delicious coffees, Coffee Friend’s assortment includes numerous premium-quality teas produced by various manufacturers from all over the globe.  Depending on your preferred brewing method, you can choose from loose-leaf , sachets, bagsinstant teatea sticks and even berry purées or syrups. Whether you’re a real tea connoisseur or completely new to this exciting realm, you’re bound to find something you’ll enjoy amongst the teas on offer…

Tea Varieties

We want to please everyone’s taste buds, so there are numerous tea varieties on offer in our assortment.

Black Tea

Black tea holds the title of the world’s best-selling and most popular tea.  It’s heavily oxidised and characterised by an intense flavour. Black tea also serves as a base for the majority of classic blends, such as Earl Grey, English breakfast tea and numerous others. It pairs well with a splash of milk or a slice of lemon — but keep in mind that the finest single-origin black teas should be enjoyed on their own, with no additional ingredients masking their multiple layers of flavour. Black teas grown in different regions are marked by unique notes characteristic of the area and are hence often referred to by the name of the place. The most popular black teas are Ceylon, Darjeeling, Assam and Keemun. A higher brewing temperature of around 96–100 °C is recommended when preparing a cup of black tea.

Green Tea

Second in popularity only to black tea in the Western world, green tea is quickly gaining ground here thanks to its numerous health benefits. In China, the homeland of tea, green varieties top all the charts, of course. Once the tea leaves are plucked, they’re heated to stop oxidation and maintain their beautiful green colour. There are numerous types of green tea available, the most popular of which are the Japanese Sencha and Bancha, as well as the Chinese gunpowder, Longjing and Biluochun. Green teas are characterised by natural sweetness, with flowery, fruity and nutty notes mixed in. The recommended brewing temperature is a tad lower: from 70 to 90 °C .

Matcha tea deserves a separate mention: interest in this green tea variety has lately been truly record-breaking. For hundreds of years now, it’s been part of traditional tea ceremonies. What makes Matcha stand out so vividly is its bright green colour and the fact that it comes in the form of finely ground leaves. Once hot water has been poured over the matcha powder, this mixture is then whisked using a special tool. The resulting drink is marked by a creamy texture and a sweet, piquant flavour. Matcha is often served in combination with milk foam (that’s how the trendy matcha latte is made!).

White Tea

While most tea drinkers are familiar with the taste of black or green varieties, white tea is something many of us still have to discover. This tea is made from the youngest of tea leaves and left relatively untouched by the human hand. It’s low in caffeine, extremely subtle and brimming with health benefits (even green tea can’t quite compete!). White varieties are marked by delicate sweetness and refreshing notes of spring. The most popular type of white tea is called Bai Mu Dan. Moreover, white tea is often used as an ingredient in light, fruity, flowery blends. The recommended brewing temperature is around 80–90 °C.

Oolong Tea

Oolong tea is partially oxidised, blending the qualities of black and green tea. There are so many oolong varieties out there that it would be nothing short of a sin for us to label it and restrict its palette by naming a couple of flavours. Oolongs can be light, fruity, berryish, sweet (reminiscent of green tea), or they can be rich, dark and earthy (reminiscent of black tea). High-quality oolongs can be re-steeped several times and they’ll still keep on surprising you with exciting, unique flavours hidden in each new cup you brew. Oolong tea is also excellent at absorbing aromas and scents, so it’s often flavoured with other ingredients. The recommended brewing temperature is 90–95 °C.

Pu-Erh Tea

Because of its unique, lengthy processing, pu-erh tea acquires a complex and intriguing taste. Just like wine, some pu-erh teas are aged for decades and get better and better (as well as more expensive) with each passing year. Pu-erh is usually sold in the form of pressed “cakes” and is known for boosting digestion. Vivid gourmet notes of wet earth, moss and wood are encountered in the prepared brew. The recommended brewing temperature is 100 °C.

Fruit and Herbal Teas

Strictly speaking, fruit and herbal infusions are not really teas: they’re not made from leaves of a tea tree. We’re used to calling them “teas” though, and we’re definitely used to enjoying them — think camomile, mint, thyme, linden, blueberry, strawberry, raspberry and various other delicious drinks.

The popular rooibos, or “red bush”, tea is also part of this group. It’s made from the leaves of a shrub common in South Africa. Nowadays, this variety is known all over the world and sipped either on its own or as part of various tea blends. It’s only slightly fermented, contains no caffeine at all and boasts gorgeous notes of honey, dried fruit and vanilla. The recommended brewing temperature is 100 °C.

Tea Blends

Although premium teas are always sold on their own, unmixed with anything else, tea blends have always been and still are extremely popular. What’s a blend, exactly? Well, this term can be used to describe a few different teas of the same variety mixed together: for example, four types of black tea or three types of green tea. A single tea (whether it’s white, green or black) flavoured with additional ingredients is also considered a blend. These ingredients can include fruit, berries, flowers, natural oils or spices. Tea artisans around the world always strive to create special, unexpected blends that would surprise and delight even the pickiest of tea lovers. That’s how the most extraordinary flavour combinations out there are born!

Chai Tea

Chai teas are blends of tea and various spices. Water or milk can be poured over chai tea. Traditionally, black varieties are used as a base, then flavoured with cloves, cardamom, pepper, cinnamon and other delicious spices. Known in India for years, chai tea is now slowly conquering the Western world as well. Both natural and instant chai teas are well worth a try.


Just like matcha, the naturally fizzy kombucha seems to be everywhere these days. The secret behind the success of this drink is its refreshing taste and digestion-boosting abilities. Some people even choose to make kombucha themselves: all they need is some quality tea, water, sugar and a special tea fungus. Others decide to skip this process and go for pre-prepared kombucha instead. More and more manufacturers are including kombucha in their assortments, so finding and purchasing this exotic beverage isn’t a challenge at all nowadays.

Berry Purées and Syrups

Coffee Friend’s assortment includes numerous berry and fruit purées or syrups designed specially for making tea (both hot and cold). All you have to do is put a few spoonfuls into a cup, pour water over the purée or syrup and enjoy a delicious drink ready in mere seconds!

Cold Tea

Consumed often during the hot season, cold tea is now well on its way to becoming the world’s favourite beverage. In our assortment, you’ll find a variety of ready-made cold tea drinks, as well as numerous syrups and powders for making cold tea yourself.

What Form Does Your Tea Come In?

The form your tea comes in is almost as important as the flavour. Which form is the best then? Well, it’s actually the one you find to be the most pleasant and convenient. True connoisseurs are generally recommended to choose loose-leaf tea, while those who value comfort are advised to try sachets (pyramid-shaped bags), regular paper bags, sticks or instant tea.

Some people are still convinced that only loose-leaf tea can be of a high quality, while tea packed in bags or sachets is always inferior. That’s not exactly true though. In an effort to adapt to the rhythm of modern life, the world’s best tea manufacturers are now putting the very same loose-leaf tea into bags or sachets too. What this means is that you can definitely feel free to choose the form you find to be the best.

The World’s Finest Teas

Coffee Friend’s tea assortment includes brands from all over the globe:

“Good and Proper” is a well-known premium tea brand hailing from the United Kingdom. Some of the best hotels and restaurants in the country are serving Good and Proper teas to their discerning clients. The company is famous for its exquisite single-origin varieties.

“Dammann Frères” is a French tea manufacturer. The company has been selling tea ever since 1692, when King Louis XIV granted Sir Damame the exclusive privilege of trading tea in France. These teas are suited perfectly for those who are looking for unrivaled luxury and only ever feel satisfied with the very best.

“Roqberry”, another British company, has received 26 Great Taste awards for its unique, unexpected tea blends. What about a blend of black tea, pu-erh and some added coffee beans? Or would you rather try green tea with wasabi, rice flakes and seaweed?

“Chalo” has been established by a Belgian woman of Indian origin and is now on a mission to help chai tea conquer the West. The company offers numerous delicious chai blends.

“Stick Tea” is an Italian company supplying tea lovers with their favourite drink packed conveniently in special sticks. Those who value comfort and like all things new are bound to love it!

In an effort to please every tea lover out there, we’re constantly adding new brands and flavours to our assortment. You’re welcome to give them a try and discover your favourite! By the way, tea is one of the best gifts, suited perfectly for pretty much any occasion. If you’re struggling to choose the right tea variety for yourself or your loved one, a tea set is also an excellent choice.

Now go and enjoy a cuppa!