Are you a fan of milk-based coffee drinks? Then listen up! Actually, do listen up even if you prefer your coffee black. We’ve spent a long time looking for a blend that would go perfectly with milk, and we’re glad to announce we’ve finally found it! It’s our new “Crema”, the ideal base for creamy cappuccinos and delicious lattes. It turns out though that you don’t even need milk to enjoy the exquisite flavour of these beans: seductively sweet notes are unveiled just as well in a cup of regular black coffee.
This blend of Brazilian and Ugandan varieties combines arabica (80%) and robusta (20%) beans. Each sip boasts sweet notes of caramel, the pleasant bitterness of dark chocolate, as well as a delicious hint of nuts.
Caprisette coffee: already loved by millions. Have you tried it yet?
Created for a delicious daily cuppa, these unique blends of various different flavours have conquered the hearts of thousands of coffee lovers.
Craving a rich espresso or a creamy latte? We’ve roasted this coffee in a way that makes it suited for all of your favourite recipes. Delve into the world of Caprisette flavours, and discover the one you like best.
Millions have fallen in love with it already—we’re sure you’ll do too!
Ingredients: roasted coffee beans.
Storage conditions: store in a cool place, away from direct sunlight.
You can use "Crema" for any recipe, but it's been created with milk-based drinks in mind. If you're a fan of milky coffees, you're bound to love it!
There's no acidity in this blend: it's dominated by notes of chocolate, caramel and nuts.
Robusta beans endow this blend with added intensity and creaminess.
There's no intense bitterness in this blend: on the contrary, it's creamy and delicate.
Each of us has our own personal taste, so just do whatever seems best to you! We suggest starting from standard settings, that is, choosing the medium option wherever possible. Afterwards, simply adjust the flavour to your liking: if you'd prefer your brew stronger and more intense, increase the amount of ground coffee and/or select a finer grind; but if you'd like your coffee to be a bit subtler, decrease the amount of ground coffee and/or select a coarser grind.
THE CONTROL PANEL Ltd February 22, 2023
Mmm coffee yum
Mindy Willoughby December 20, 2022
Great coffee, highly recommended.
Daniella December 17, 2022
Goes very well with milk. I enjoyed it
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